GLASGOW Nogometaši Celtica pobijedili su u 19. kolu škotskog Premiershipa Motherwell 4-0 na domaćem terenu što je škotskom prvaku bila 15. pobjeda sezone u sedamnaestom ligaškom nastupu. Prvi pogodak Celtic je postigao u nadoknadi prvog dijela kada je […] Objava Celtic ostvario i 15. pobjedu i iskoristio poraz Rangersa za 12 bodova prednosti pojavila se prvi puta na Novi list.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Celtic solidified its lead in the Scottish Premiership by securing a 15th victory of the season and capitalizing on Rangers' loss. The victory against Motherwell, combined with Rangers' defeat, extended Celtic's lead to 12 points, effectively putting them in a dominant position in the league race.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Celtic solidified its lead in the Scottish Premiership by securing a 15th victory of the season and capitalizing on Rangers' loss. The victory against Motherwell, combined with Rangers' defeat, extended Celtic's lead to 12 points, effectively putting them in a dominant position in the league race.